adult content satellite channels
To view adult content satellite channels use the same satellite receivers which uses to view subscription (pay) TV. That satellite should have the NSS6 satellite or some of the Japanese satellites. How to find the sexy TV Channels on those satellites or what naughty content is available on these adult satellite TV channels for this you have to spare your time for scanning. A lot of talks about companies are in now a days, like Free-XTV, which is an "subscription-free" channel that make most of their income from selling hardware (cam cards) that you will require to view their adult content channel, that are currently upgrading their scrambling service and thus offer users a limited 2 years free viewing of their 2 adult TV satelliet channels. After these two years they will alter their hardware requirements again and all viewers will need to replace their adult TV cards again. This is some sort of protection against copying the technology.
I can assume only one of the XSAT auto update satellite receivers; the pci satelllite TV cards for use in a personal computer or the new Dream box decoder / receivers, which run on Linux software, will be able to keep up with these changes on adult satellite TV stations, at limited costs. The better way of veiwing these are to pay for these and use them as long as they offer. The copying the technology is not justified at all.
For more my experience says that there are no adult channels available on 4DTV except Playboy Directors cut on T7-970. TVN used to have some adult content The adult content available on C-band is two XXX channels on T6-01, and T6-07 (analog), and with a 4DTV there is Playboy Directors Cut on T7-970 (which is X most of the time, but sometimes can get to XX).
You also have about 20 different packages to choose from as opposed to 3 with dish network. or 2 with DirecTV not to mention the 5 PBS feeds, B-Mania, Ovation and Tennis Channel.
Labels: 4DTV, adult content satellite channels, B-Mania, Free-XTV, frequency, Linux, Ovation, PBS feeds, T7-970, Tennis Channel, TVN, XSAT, XXX channels